
KFC Smart Brief Post - 05/01/2019

What's up guys!   This week is my last post for a while, don't worry Ill be back. But I'm gonna have fun with this one! I freakin love KFC. Im sorry to admit it, but it's actually finger licking good. I know its extremely unhealthy, but hey, you only live once right!? So I love it and this week I came upon a article on smart briefs where they are stating some amazing and intriguing news. And the big news is.......... DELIVERY BABY!!!! Oh yeah, lesssss go. Love this, and I love that KFC is doing it. They have been doing really well recently and it is my pleasure to announce that they have been doing so well overseas and with the new revenue they plan on putting it all into the 'best delivery service in these United States of America'. So I'm looking forward to staying home for once and having a bucket at my side. Many people need a soulmate but I need my chicken.  So look out for this cause I feel like it'll be pretty successful. Especially if you

National Parks Smart Brief Post - 04/26/2019

What's up guys!   Hope you guys are doing well this week!!! Remember always make sure top check may twitter for any updates on my blog. Appreciate everyone who comes to my blog and I hope you enjoy it! This week was earth day & what was great about earth day was that the entire world gets a moment to realize how lucky we truly are. The National Park foundation and service created an ad to show how special national parks really are. They did so by comparing it to real life and how it is an easy getaway for those who need it.  They used the extremely effective technique of humor. They emphasized daily frustrating situations that would trigger people. They reminded that, at a national park, those issues are the last of their worries. They managed to do it in a effective way because of how they executed the ad. It was the storyline they came up with. They used timing well and they integrated the storylines together to build up momentum and create suspense. The link is below an

Pinterest Workplace Smart Brief Post - 04/11/2019

What's up guys!   Hope you guys are doing well! This week I am talking about workplace culture. Different companies have completely different cultures. Google compared to JP Morgan are two completely different workplaces. Where and how you work definitely has a correlation with productivity and chemistry. It is important for every company to try and nail this so that they can be as efficient and successful as possible. "Pinterest wanted to create a warm, positive workplace different from the confrontational environment common at technology companies. But former employees call the culture passive-aggressive and say it likely has contributed to slow growth, missteps in product development and high employee turnover." The turnover issue could be over bearing but every company has this issue to some  extent. However, I would imagine a warm technological workplace would be nice to work in, it is strange that Pinterest is the way it is. Having work a little in my life ther

Culture Smart Brief Post - 04/03/2019

What's up guys!   Hope you guys are doing well! Many companies like diversity and being cultural because of PR and CSR. For those of you who don't know (for you that know this isn't for you) PR means public relations and CSR means corporate social responsibility. Both these terms are very important for companies because it's how people and their stakeholder view them. More importantly they care how consumers and customers see them because at the end of the day they are the ones that are giving the company their money. In order to give someone your money they have to like them to an extent and being diverse and cultural helps with that image. Nowadays we see more  and more campaigns around awareness for diversity and inclusion especially at this time of the year – with February being Black History Month and March being Women's History Month. However, some of these campaign are subtle and others are more direct and potent. But as long as companies keep in touch wit

April Fools Smart Brief Post - 4/1/2019

What's up guys!   April fools is one of the most underrated holidays in my opinion. I used to love it when I was younger because I would prank ALL my buddies and family members. Its not until I got older that I realized that it is a huge marketing opportunity. Some companies believe it's not good because they are 'tricking' their clients and customers. However a UK study shows that over 85% of consumers believe humor is the best way to have a 'real' connection with the brand. Nearly 70% of people actually enjoyed the playful marketing campaigns. So with this said, what companies took advantage of this very handy opportunity????? First off, condoms; "Durex is inviting couples to unleash the heat with a special new flavour:"Spice things up and experience the taste of the fish skin condom with mala hot pot flavour. Packed with handpicked ingredients for your tasteful experience. Let ’em pleasure your mouth..." it insists on its Facebook page."

Game of Thrones Exploitation Smart Brief Post - 3/21/2019

What's up guys!   This is my SECOND Game of Thrones post, I do love the show, but I just find it an extremely interesting topic. I just recently learned with the upcoming final season of Game of Thrones coming up, companies are using and exploiting the Game of Thrones brand image. However, I am assuming that Game of Thrones is getting a cut or share of money from these companies. The reason I named this blog as an 'exploitation' is because brands are using another brand as a catalyst to elevate their own brand. I understand that by paying them money it makes it okay but by doing this it's as if you're saying your product isn't marketable enough. I trust that my two examples (two separate articles) Oreo and Mountain Dew, are both great brands and have great products. But the question I am asking is, was it necessary. One view point is that these cool, hip companies partnered with this cool, hip brand and TV show in Game of Thrones to get media attention. Its i

Apple Ads Smart Brief Post - 2/28/2019

What's up guys!   All the attention in the tech world right now has been all over Samsung because of their revolutionary new 'foldable' phone. However Apple has been doing a lil sometin sometin in the background. We all know Apple has a massive in house ad agency. Its the size of a small agency at least. So as they grow they need to develop and be managed. In this instance Apple stole a Facebook idea which was to update their partnerships in their search ad department.  The reason of the importance of this is that Apple previously only had mobile measurement partners on its page, which provide tools to measure, analyze and optimize app install campaigns. Coupling mobile measurement partners with campaign management partners is a very clever idea and now that they have done it, their advertising department could become even more successful. I love Apple and I will never under any circumstances switch brands so stay strong Apple and stay strong Apple Ads. Good work!!!!! P