National Parks Smart Brief Post - 04/26/2019

What's up guys! 

Hope you guys are doing well this week!!! Remember always make sure top check may twitter for any updates on my blog. Appreciate everyone who comes to my blog and I hope you enjoy it!

This week was earth day & what was great about earth day was that the entire world gets a moment to realize how lucky we truly are. The National Park foundation and service created an ad to show how special national parks really are. They did so by comparing it to real life and how it is an easy getaway for those who need it. 

They used the extremely effective technique of humor. They emphasized daily frustrating situations that would trigger people. They reminded that, at a national park, those issues are the last of their worries. They managed to do it in a effective way because of how they executed the ad. It was the storyline they came up with. They used timing well and they integrated the storylines together to build up momentum and create suspense. The link is below and you HAVE to check it out!!!!

I really enjoyed this advertisement and can't believe the National Parks Service came up with it. Great job, shout out to them!!!

Peace Out!




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