Apple Ads Smart Brief Post - 2/28/2019

What's up guys! 

All the attention in the tech world right now has been all over Samsung because of their revolutionary new 'foldable' phone. However Apple has been doing a lil sometin sometin in the background. We all know Apple has a massive in house ad agency. Its the size of a small agency at least. So as they grow they need to develop and be managed. In this instance Apple stole a Facebook idea which was to update their partnerships in their search ad department. 

The reason of the importance of this is that Apple previously only had mobile measurement partners on its page, which provide tools to measure, analyze and optimize app install campaigns. Coupling mobile measurement partners with campaign management partners is a very clever idea and now that they have done it, their advertising department could become even more successful. I love Apple and I will never under any circumstances switch brands so stay strong Apple and stay strong Apple Ads. Good work!!!!!

Peace Out! 




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