Game of Thrones Exploitation Smart Brief Post - 3/21/2019

What's up guys! 

This is my SECOND Game of Thrones post, I do love the show, but I just find it an extremely interesting topic. I just recently learned with the upcoming final season of Game of Thrones coming up, companies are using and exploiting the Game of Thrones brand image. However, I am assuming that Game of Thrones is getting a cut or share of money from these companies. The reason I named this blog as an 'exploitation' is because brands are using another brand as a catalyst to elevate their own brand. I understand that by paying them money it makes it okay but by doing this it's as if you're saying your product isn't marketable enough.

I trust that my two examples (two separate articles) Oreo and Mountain Dew, are both great brands and have great products. But the question I am asking is, was it necessary. One view point is that these cool, hip companies partnered with this cool, hip brand and TV show in Game of Thrones to get media attention. Its intelligent because they integrated it in cool ways with their own products, however is it just a waste of time and money?? Tell me what you think and see you guys next week!!!

Peace Out! 





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